
This is a knowledge base with best practices, guidelines, training materials and tools about how HeritACT is tackling cultural heritage with a codesign and participatory approach.

  • D1.1 Project Reference Manual & Quality Management Plan

    This deliverable's objective is to support the HeritACT consortium in operating procedures for project activities by providing details on project management and implementation. In regard to project management and collaboration standards, the deliverable aims to complement the requirements of the Consortium Agreement and Grant Agreement.

  • D1.2 Data Management Plan

    The purpose of this document is to outline how HeritACT data will be handled both during the project lifespan and after it, covering all aspects of data management, in accordance with the applicable FAIR Principles in Horizon Europe.

  • D1.4 Ethical Compliance Report v1.0

    Building on the ethical requirements and recommendations highlighted by the Independent EthicS Advisor Reports and in accordance with the project objectives of enhancing social inclusion and collaboration with the citizens through the design and use of innovative tools and solutions in the pilot sites, this report reviews the HeritACT Ethics Framework relevant to the project digital tools and pilot activities.

  • D2.1 Heritage as an integral dimension of NEB and Green Deal

    This Deliverable 2.1 (D2.1) report documents work carried out on Task 2.1 (T2.1) ‘Green Deal and NEB principles for Heritage reactivation’ from months 1 to 4 of the HeritACT project. T2.1 aligns with the first objective of Work Package 2 (WP2) Ecosystem Mapping: “Development of the basic frameworks for reaching the HeritACT project objectives.”

  • D2.2 Stakeholder requirements analysis and methodological framework

    This Deliverable 2.2 (D2.2) report documents work carried out on Task 2.2 (T2.2) Stakeholders requirements analysis and methodological framework from months 1 to 4 of the HeritACT project. T2.2 aligns with the second objective of Work Package 2 (WP2) Ecosystem Mapping: “Analysis and definition of the preliminary requirements and stakeholder needs.”

  • D2.3 Accessibility, Usability, and Inclusiveness Requirements Report

    This work represents a first step in the horizontal efforts of the HeritACT project to design, develop and ultimately deliver accessibility, usability, and inclusiveness (AUI) throughout the project.

  • D2.4 HERITACT Community led design framework

    This Deliverable 2.4 (D2.4) report includes the research conducted and the framework developed under Task 2.4 (T2.4) Community led design & development methodological framework from months M2 to M5 of the HeritACT project.

  • D3.1 Contextual Classification of the Digital Tools

    The Deliverable aims to provide a Roadmap that will: enable the assignment of the HeritACT tools to specific stakeholders and identify the conditions to reach Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and New European Bauhaus (NEB) Objectives.


    The document is structured into three main sections: the introduction, which outlines the purpose and objectives of the ParticiMap tool; the section on Volunteered Geographic Information Systems (VGIS), which provides a conceptual framework for understanding the tool's functionality and its integration with participatory mapping initiatives.


    A digital open source negotiation tool will be developed based on Geodesign and Gaming as an emergent planning approach that involves the co-creation of design solutions for multi-stakeholder and multi-system spatial decision situations where there may be conflicting perspectives.


    SustainACT is a tool for assessing and contributing to sustainable targets including the New European Bauhaus (NEB), European Green Deal (EGD) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SustainACT is part of the innovative HeritACT digital toolkit which enables active citizen participation in reactivating their cultural heritage. 

  • D3.5 DesignYourHeritage tool

    The tool provides a catalogue of design solutions, based on the principles of the New European Bauhaus initiative allowing users to choose and place the solutions into the 3D representation of the area. By placing the chosen solution(s) to the area, the tool calculates a performance score based on the indicators of 'culture', 'community', 'climate resilience', and 'experience', offering a holistic view of each design's expected impact.


    Fund4ACT is part of the innovative HeritACT digital toolkit which enables active citizen participation in reactivating their cultural heritage. Fund4ACT is a crowdfunding platform that supports the reactivating of cultural heritage through enabling social groups and organisations to demonstrate their heritage action's impacts as well as their group's organisational competence.

  • D3.7 HERIcraft tool

    The HERIcraft Tool Development Technical Report delves into the creation of a unique tool that harnesses the power of Minecraft to engage young individuals in heritage activation and sustainable development. Developed as part of the HeritACT project, the HERIcraft tool aims to promote the values of the New European Bauhaus among children and young adults.

  • D3.8 Usersence Technical Report

    The Usersence tool aims to integrate certain methods, practices, and technological equipment to offer a holistic approach to evaluators who seek to conduct formative or summative evaluations focused on recording and analyzing the emotional UX of a product, system, or service.

  • D4.1 Stakeholders engagement roadmap

    This deliverable corresponds to Deliverable 4.1 of HeritACT and aims to provide a centralized approach for identifying, mapping and managing the stakeholder’s data and engagement, and to define rules and responsibilities for project partners on how to communicate and engage with the external stakeholders.

  • D4.2 HeritHUB Specifications Report

    As stated in the HeritACT Project Grant Agreement the present document, titled “HeritHUB Specification Report” addresses the topic of the HeritHUBS, which are conceived in the context of the broader project as creative Hubs established in the 3 Project Pilot Sites (Eleusis, Ballina and Milan).As such, the report provides guidance for the creation of a HeritHUB that can function as “the common local space for hosting HeritACT CO-Recognition and Co-envision practices”.

  • D4.5 Co-recognition insights report

    D4.5 Co-recognition insights report

    The project’s initial phase involves consortium partners conducting in-depth research to understand and raise awareness about the current local conditions in the three pilot cities—Ballina, Eleusis, and Milan. Central to this project is active citizen participation. This phase aims to introduce the project to local communities, enhancing awareness of HeritACT, NEB values, project objectives, and the Horizon program. The engagement process with community groups and members will begin through active listening, interaction, and collaboration.

  • D6.1 Impact Assessment and Validation Handbook

    The present Deliverable 6.1, under the title “Impact assessment and Validation Handbook” constitutes the result of the work carried out in the context of Task 6.1 “Impact Assessment and Validation Framework” of Work Package 6 “Impact assessment, Guidelines & Recommendations”.

  • D7.3 HeritACT’s Visual Identity, Website and Social Media

    This deliverable provides information related to the branding and visual identity of the HeritACT project as well as the website structure and social media accounts created specifically for this project.