HeritHUBS are hubs of culture, innovation and education that trigger inclusive and social interactions through the participation and collaboration among citizens, cultural and creative industries and local stakeholders.
They are placed in the three local pilots with the objective of creating value for community life merging knowledge from the arts, the humanities and the new digital technologies around Cultural Heritage.
Milan is establishing 3 HeritHUBs located in peripheral areas: the 2 pilot sites (Cascina Linterno and Cascina Sant’Ambrogio, old farms with cultural heritage highlights owned by the Municipality and run by private companies); and Mosso, a multifunctional space and socio-cultural project run by a social cooperative together with 4 other non-profit organisations.
Cascina Linterno
Run by a local agricultural enterprise that organises activities related to sustainability and environmental education. It is a protected heritage site and hosts 2 associations that focus on the promotion of the site's cultural value.
Run by an agricultural enterprise and an association working with local communities. They organise gathering events around and about sustainable practices and cultural initiatives. Similarly to Cascina Linterno, it is also a protected heritage site.
It’s a socio-cultural centre with particular attention to inclusion. They host cultural events, social activities with the neighbourhood and they develop socio-professional reintegration programmes.
The activities that will be organised will target a varied set of key local stakeholders. This encompasses both the communities and the public that usually attend these places as well as actors already involved in previous events since the official launch of the Heritact research action project.
The three hubs are active and running sites, as permanent spaces in the city. Cascina Sant’Ambrogio and Mosso are open to the public every day, while Cascina Linterno opens during the weekends. The launch event of the Heritact project, held in November 2023, was meant to introduce the sites to a large public. Activities in the three sites are planned from March onwards.
The Milano HeritHUBs will operate following a multi-scalar actions perspective.
At the hub level, interventions are designed to incorporate solution-based activities, workshops, and walks aimed at gathering information, evoking emotions, co-defining solutions, and fostering a sense of community around the cascine.
On a city-wide scale, actions are geared towards organising thematic sessions around the New European Bauhaus principles while implementing environmental practices within the designated sites. These initiatives will facilitate community building around the pilot areas, attract individuals to participate, and engage new contributors in hands-on activities, thereby promoting the dissemination and sharing of the project.
Lastly, at a broader scope, future participation in international festivals, along with presentations and conferences, will serve to showcase the sites and their activities, fostering local and international collaboration and exchange.
The hubs will adopt and test tools provided by the project that will be adapted to the local context to maximise the impact. In-person workshops with selected stakeholders will be organised in the coming months, supported by ad-hoc communication tailored to the local language and background jointly with the hubs’ channels and the project’s networks.
The three hubs offer a wide range of services.
Cascina Linterno is a multifaceted hub, where activities range from honey production and vegetable cultivation to hosting a weekly farm market. Additionally, it hosts a community garden and organises cultural events centred around the site's heritage and history, curated by the associated groups. The hub also coordinates school visits aimed at environmental education, which include interactive sessions revolving around animals, biodiversity, and honey production. Furthermore, seasonal festivities such as the Bee Festival, Spring Festival, and other local celebrations are organised to engage with a broader public.
Likewise, Cascina Sant’Ambrogio embraces a similar ethos, cultivating vegetables and hosting a community garden. It serves also as a venue for a kindergarten, yoga classes, and craft activities, and features a bar and a guest house accessible to the public.
Finally, Mosso offers a space called "neighbourhood house" that provides essential services to the local community and promotes social and professional reintegration programmes. This facility also includes a bar and restaurant, meeting rooms, and serves as a venue for various events including flea markets, art exhibitions, and concerts.
Each hub has specificities that relate to the three New European Bauhaus pillars: sustainability, aesthetics, and inclusion. These elements are intertwined but with a more focused emphasis on each location.
Both cascine are protected heritage sites thus enabling the preservation of their cultural, material and immaterial value.
While Cascina Linterno mainly bases its activities on sustainability and environmental education, Cascina Sant’Ambrogio instead is more focused on community engagement and in cultural initiatives.
Mosso on the other hand is a socio-cultural centre with particular attention to inclusion. They host cultural events, and social activities with the neighbourhood and foster socio-professional reintegration programmes.
Coordinated by: Comune di Milano, LAND, Stefano Boeri Architetti, THINGS

Located at the coast of Elefsina, the Greek Hub is established in the Old Canteen, a key point of the city’s sea front and an important landmark and pole of attraction for the younger generation.
The building was built during the period when Elefsina hosted the American military base and now it’s completely renovated and belongs to the Municipality of Elefsina and managed by 2023 Eleusis ECoC.
The HeritHUB staff is formed by local Eleusinians and assisted by MENTOR in Culture, 2023 Eleusis ECoC and the Municipality of Elefsina. The idea is also to approach professionals, schools, organisations, activated groups already working in related projects, and academia together with the presence of the local government.
February 2024 is the launching month! The first steps of the hub will go around informative meetings with key persons and stakeholders, communities and young groups. Onwards, the hub aims to become a point of reference of the city and act as a supporting space for co-recognition activities, with a closing event by May 2024.
The hub will organise a series of informative activities with local associations, schools, youth and other target groups at the beginning of the process. Co-envision and co-recognition activities will also be present during the plans of the hub as well as a final cultural event after these phases. Concerts, presentations, conferences and other types of community activities will be held throughout the HeritHUB.
By implementing digital campaigns, direct collaborations with local associations, key stakeholders and persons and other communications materials such as press releases and content, the Elefsina hub will develop a strong and community-focused outreach engagement strategy. Word of mouth and personal invites will also be helpful to reach out to a wider audience.
The Old Canteen complements the HeritHUB agenda with its own programme of activities. The venue hosts cultural and social events such as art exhibitions, talks, educational programmes and multiple artistic projects around the 2023 Elefsina campaign, as the city was announced the European Capital of Culture 2023.
In this context, the city is seen as an exhibit of its present and history, its conflicts and images through a comprehensive artistic, research, and educational programme. The agenda of activities follow the three distinct and interconnected central programme themes: people and society, environment, and labour, reflecting the features of the city and the contemporary challenges facing both Elefsina and Europe. This title turns the city into a thriving cultural destination and an opportunity to present flagship projects.
The New European Bauhaus is present in the conception of the hub and across its activities. The special link to its values are connected to the location of the hub. The space is a reused industrial heritage space and it has been a meeting point for the local community years. It consists of a single multi-purpose hall that occasionally hosts artistic and educational workshops, screenings and networking meetings targeted to different age groups. In addition, the venue is next to the open air cinema of the city which allows for more fluency and cultural connection with the community.
Coordinated by: MENTOR in Culture, Municipality of Elefsina 2023 Eleusis

The Irish HeritHUB at Ballina Library is located in a structure formerly known as The Moy Hotel. It is regarded as an important component of the mid nineteenth-century built heritage of the town and is in the Pearse Street Architectural Conservation Area.
Additional vacant historic sites in Ballina will be activated as pop-up HeritHUBS.
Engagement with communities and stakeholders will facilitate dissemination of information about events, local networks, and HeritACT’s digital tools.
Local schools will engage at the HeritHUB for a variety of events, including the development and activation of the HeriCRAFT tool, a resource developed by the University College of Dublin, based on a Minecraft approach, that provides a new way to represent the cultural built environment, by extending its application for potential projects.
The launch event is scheduled for May 2024 and will coincide with a dedicated campaign to inform the project and the agenda of the hub.
The activities will include solution-based interventions, gathering information and the collective input of ideas.
-Stories and Values Survey (Launching online only) 20th February 2024
-Challenges Survey (Launching online only) 5th March 2024
-Dissemination of printed materials for surveys across the town 14th March 2024
-Ideas Survey (Launching online only) 16th April 2024
-Geodesign Workshops 14th May 2024 & 21st May 2024
-HeriCRAFT (part of the Geodesign Workshops 14th May 2024 & 21st May 2024)
Other kind of activities will be developed and adapted to coincide with established events in Ballina involving local schools and communities such as Ballina Heritage Day , National Heritage Week , Architecture at the Edge Festival.
The engagement strategy will adopt the project tools to the local context of Ballina and its communities.
The hub will serve as a multifunctional and accessible space offering a range of services and benefits for learning and education, digital access, and community gathering.
The ethos of the New European Bauhaus will be integral to the design and development of our events and activities.
Coordinated by: Mayo County Council, Accelerating Change Together and University College of Dublin