Stories, experiences and milestones of the project. Here's HeritACT blog to keep up to date with the latest news

Ideas For Change Ideas For Change

Exploring Elefsina Pilot Sites Series 5: Oasis Former Camping, A New Chapter in Eleusis’s Cultural and Environmental Landscape

Once a popular destination for travellers and campers, the Oasis Former Camping Site in Eleusis has recently undergone a transformation that reconnects it with the city’s cultural and environmental identity. This historic site, which spans over 20,500 square meters, is a focal point of the HeritACT project, integrating the preservation of industrial and cultural heritage with sustainable urban planning and community engagement.

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Ideas For Change Ideas For Change

Exploring Elefsina Pilot Sites Series 2: Iris, Greece's First Modern Paint Industry

The perception of Iris among Eleusinians, both as a historical monument and as a renovated cultural venue, varies greatly. Located on Eleusis's waterfront, a historically contested area, Iris's future is closely tied to broader urban development plans for the port area. As one local put it, "I personally like that area. If they fixed up the harbour a bit, added some greenery, nicer cafés, and generally cleaned up the area, it would become more lively".

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Ideas For Change Ideas For Change

Exploring Elefsina Pilot Sites Series 1: the Old Canteen

The Old Canteen of Eleusis, a renovated cultural space located in the city’s waterfront with the unique industrial sunset, a hub of activities for the educational and local community within the framework of the HeritACT project, bears an interesting history and many memories for the local community.

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Ideas For Change Ideas For Change

HeritACT at Ballina Heritage Day 2024: Community Engagement and Minecraft Creativity Drive Heritage Reactivation

On July 10th, 2024, HeritACT hub in Ballina hosted a successful Heritage Day pop-up event on Pearse Street, where community members of all ages came together to shape the future of their town. The event featured an innovative voting survey for adults and engaging Minecraft gameplay activities for children, both aimed at reactivating key heritage sites in Ballina.

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Ideas For Change Ideas For Change

A Recap of the HeritACT General Assembly in Patras

The sea, a city surrounded by Greek islands, tasty food and some saharan dust in the air. These could be simple highlights of how the environment was feeling in the first HeritACT General Assembly hosted by the University of Patras in beautiful Greece.

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